November 23, 2008


BURRIED IN VERONA-Circle the Dead (2008) [MDM/Metalcore]

Italian named Sidney based band, playing a very enjoyable MDM/metalcore (it brings the Cpt. back to the first As I lay Down era). Twin guitar precision-guided tattack provide the back-bone for the majority of the tracks, while ferocious vocals and unrelenting double-kick drums hammer down the rest. All uniformely spinkled with a eye-piercing melody. Lyrics and cover art (nice chick!) do not really inspire, with most tracks following self-pity and angsty themes, but , shit... happens! The tunes are fine and kicking!

BEYOND THE EMBRACE-Insect Song (2004) [MDM]

It ain't new, but it stands the test of time. German band, playing a very fine MDM.This is their second album: more riffy, with raspy vocals, and a bit less melodic than the previous (if it is your first listen, you could even doubt they play MDM at all). There's a lot on the album that let you think "This sounds like Metallica's St. Anger, if that was good!", both as for vocals and guitar work. Result of the 3rd guitarist employed? The J.Hetfield voice of the singer...? Who cares! Great melodies, growling, fast drums, good leads, and more good stuff (past influences like Maiden show up in "Redemer" and other tracks). A must-listen.