«Mi fa veramente piacere che tu ci apprezzi così !!! Noi abbiamo fatto così pochi album in 21 anni...perchè ogni volta abbiamo cercato di inserire brani di qualità (almeno per noi) curando la musica il testo, facendo in modo che ogni cosa fosse al momento e al posto giusto... Tecnica si ma con passione e volontà di dare sempre il meglio di noi. Speriamo di esserci riusciti. Comunque anche in giappone abbiamo un pò di fans e addirittura un gruppo giapponese "metallucifer" ci annovera tra i suoi ispiratori... Anche in Grecia abbiamo una buona schiera di estimatori... Purtroppo in Italia non è così perchè nessuno è profeta in patria e forse perchè facciamo una musica poco digeribile per la maggior parte del pubblico italiano... Comunque noi andiamo avanti per la nostra strada senza compromessi.
Troverai molta differenza tra il primo album e l' ultimo; è cambiato il chitarrista e abbiamo inserito le tastiere, ma a noi il tutto piace e speriamo di condividere anche con te questa nostra emozione. Un abbraccio forte!»
[ENG. transl. It makes me very glad to know that you like our music so much! We managed to put together so few albums in 21 years... But that's because, each time we tried to put on the record only tracks of very good quality (at least the quality we thought it was good), paying extreme care to both music and lyrics, and that in order to get everything at the right place ant the right time. Much technic, but with much passion and our sincere will to give the best of us. We really hope we succeeded. In any case, we managed to get fans in Japan too... There is even a band called METALLUCIFER that claims us among their inspirators. Also in Greece we've got some good supporter... Most regreattably that doesn't happen in Italy. Perhaps that's because "noboy is prophet in his homecountry" (Italian old saying) or simply because we play a kind of music too difficult to digest for the Italian public. Anyhow we don't care about that: we keep on going on our way, without taking compromises.
You will find much difference between the first and the last album, bacause in meantime we changed the guitarrist and started using keyboards. But the whole feeling get us really satisfied and we do hope we can share this satisfaction with you!
A strong hung!]
June 17, 2008
A message from DARK QUARTERER
It is rather normal for the Captain contacting members of bands he loves to bring them his cheers and support. Some of them kindly reply, some do not. DARK QUARTERER - which blew me away this week! - are of the former...! It couldn't have been differently: such a serious musicians are serious people too... and know that contact with fans is important! These a message to the Cpt. from Gianni NEPI, their bass/vocals. Needless to say it made the Cpt. very happy!
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